Thursday, November 5, 2009

Judges and Crime

Judges (and Lawyers) swear an Oath to uphold and support the constitution, in exchange for this they are given immunity and consider themselves above the law and allowed to commit as much crime as they like. Their only judges are other Judges and are friends/brothers of the guilty.

They swear to make sure that every person has a fair trial, yet most judgments are ex parte (meaning you have not been invited to your trial). A default judgment is an ex parte judgment.

No judge can make a judgment if only one side is not present, yet they do a lot, violating their oath.

In most cases, the judge is aware that the victim was not given due process, yet they render a verdict anyway. This is obviously done as collusion between the Plaintiff lawyer and the Judge. In other words, an arrangement between the soldier and the godfather.

Lawyers know that Judges condone and commit constitution violations, as it makes the Law Firms/Families very very wealthy.

Currently there is nothing you can do about judges and lawyers committing crimes. State Bars state that they condone criminal activity by their members by allowing it to happen. If you contact a State Bar, they will tell you that they can and will do nothing about charging a member for committing a crime, except ask them to stop. Even though the State Bar runs the justice system. Over-billing is a crime of fraud.

You will get the same response as if you went to the Mafia and told them that one of their members were committing crimes of fraud or trying to extort money from you. LOL.

The Police will do nothing as well. Call them and see.

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