Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tell us your story

The Blog starts below this, but tell us your story about fraud and extortion by a Law Firm and the MOB.

Offer any opinion on how you succeeded against the syndicates that will help others.

If you know of an honest Lawyer in your area, that is still allowed to practice by the Bar/Syndicate, post their names.


gina said...

I had a lawyer take my case and then quit and try to pass me off to a junior associate . I got zip for the $5,000.oo they cost me.

Anonymous said...

Fraud and Extortion by a Law Firm Firm: Fischler & Friedman, P.A.
Lawyer: Howard Friedman
More information (NEED I SAY MORE?):





Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Callum Houston said...

... been battling crooked attorneys in british columbia, canada since the year 2000. the battle has turned into the millennium war: these scammers never settle, they never back down and they can defraud victims in the british columbia courts with impunity. the canadian government won't touch them ...

... the government of canada has been sacked by the bar ...

... i've posted detailed accounts of my struggle with the bar aka the mob at the following web addresses:

7 years of bogus bc supreme court judgments here:

houston v. houston et al here:

icbc -- rcmp -- attorney general conspiracy exposed here:

Kerry Craig Wallker said...

On September 16, 2001 I was the victim of violent crimes by an unbalanced female (a violent beating, simple battery, obstruction of a 911 call) and then I was attacked again in my own home. I filed a report the same day of the incident, but my report was never investigated and critical information was intentionally left out of the report. The perpetrator of violence against me filed a fake crime report four (4) days later full of nothing but lies and even the jurisdictions cited in the report were wrong. The first interview with the perpetrator by Detective Preston Peavy was full of rambling contradictions and her story changed drastically.

On September 25, 2001 I was falsely arrested at my custom home at 4590 Knox Bridge Highway and charged with simple assault, simple battery, and obstruction of a 911 call—All crimes that I did not commit and that were in fact committed against me. Then Detective Preston Peavy ignored the only witness at the scene and then went on to ignore, alter, and tamper with virtually every piece of exculpatory evidence. He had a professional transcriber alter a tape that cleared me and then he “misplaced” and later “lost” this critically important tape. My false charge of misdemeanor simple assault was upgraded to felony aggravated assault by the members of the grand jury who were presented nothing but tainted evidence by this very crooked cop.

What happened over the course of the next four years and two months is very difficult to believe. The (now former) Detective Preston Peavy committed back-to-back misdemeanor and felony crimes in his every attempt to manufacture my guilt and to put me in prison for 20 to 30 years. The real nightmare is that other officers and certain officials covered up for his unlawful and demented actions. Even the media in this town covered up for this former detective’s corrupted and illegal actions.

I had three (3) attorneys during the criminal case. Jeff Rusbridge did about the best he could do and he cost me nearly 10 grand. Then Mr. Rusbridge became a witness in my case at my first attempt at trial, and I hired a crook named George Weaver and he ripped me off of $15,000.00. I fired him and I confronted him and got $7,500.00 of my money back. Then I hired a lawyer named Jimmy Berry, and he had one foot in bed with the state...there went another $10,000.00.

I lost my custom home that I personally designed and built and most everything else. After selling my dream home in this virtual paradise at the corner of the Etowah River and Lake Allatoona, I managed to keep a small track of land with a small cabin on it, and now that has been illegally taken from me.

search Kerry Walker Story