Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Members Of the Bar, aka the MOB

Lawyers are Members Of the Bar, (known hereafter as the 'MOB') so are judges. Lawyers can be referred to as MOBsters, so are Judges.

This is a must read Blog if you are now or have been a victim of the MOB. To get an understanding of what and who lawyers really are and what you are up against, knowing that Judges are also part of the MOB. Once you also understand that the courts are run by the MOB, you will have a greater understanding of why and what is happening to you, and why you are bankrupt.

The MOB deals mostly in the litigation fraud and extortion racket and are above the law because the State Bar and Law Society controls the courts and judges.

The State Bar is a syndicate (known hereafter as the 'Syndicate') that controls the MOB and the Courts. The State Bar has the same organizational structure as the Mafia.

The largest organized crime and money laundering syndicates are controlled by the Law Society or State Bar. In order to maintain their ability to commit organized crime, the syndicate runs our court system.

So when you are the mark, called a defendant/victim and you pay a crime family (Law Firm) money for protection from the extortionist, remember lawyers from both sides of the 'lawsuit' and the judges are part of the same MOB and Syndicate.

With this in mind, things will be much clearer as to why you have no money, house or children.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tell us your story

The Blog starts below this, but tell us your story about fraud and extortion by a Law Firm and the MOB.

Offer any opinion on how you succeeded against the syndicates that will help others.

If you know of an honest Lawyer in your area, that is still allowed to practice by the Bar/Syndicate, post their names.