Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Access to Justice

Many State Bars and Law Societies are falsely promoting to the public that the Courts are too expensive as an explanation why people don't get to trial. This is of course the exact opposite of the facts.

As long as you (as the victims) have a lawyer, you will NEVER get to court. The only barrier to justice is hiring a law firm/crime family.

And that is of course if you believe that Justice is available in a court that is run by syndicates, with judges that are personal friends with the plaintiff law firm that is extorting the money from you.

The moment you stop paying protection money to your law firm/crime family, you will be in court the next day, and oddly lose.

The Bar's job is to lie to the public and treats them like idiots, making the public believe it is the government that is the cause of the high cost of having a fair trial, when in fact, court costs virtually nothing. It is the Bar's soldiers and crime firms that cost the money. All of the expense is the so called 'preparation' for trial, that will never happen.

It is not uncommon for a simple lawsuit for a few thousand dollars to cost a quarter million in billable hours in preparation, then the 'defense' trial lawyer 'quits' on the eve of the trial.

The fact is that if you hire lawyer, you will never have access to Justice, and you will never get Justice as long as judges are members of the same syndicate. Lawyers are paid to commit crime and judges are lawyers.

You will have a better understanding of this when you realize, Justice is 'billable hours' and extortion. Every judge refers to this as 'Administration of Justice' or more appropriately, the administration of money for legal fees. It also makes you realize what the term, 'In the interest of Justice' is, meaning In the interest of a Law Firms legal fees.


Ariel said...

Hiring a lawyer denies you access to justice

Neville said...

"Preparation for Trial" (or "for court") is a common ploy of lawyers to extract the maximum amount of cash that can be had from a person seeking court "justice" with the assistance of a lawyer.
Of lawsuits instigated almost none ever get to court. Also there is never any amount of preparation that one lawyer can undertake that another cannot undermine. Costs are endlessly escalated on either side of the question to the sole and lucrative advantage of the lawyers but considerable loss to the clients.